週休3日制の利点と問題点について英語で討論する – Pros and cons of four-day workweek

 当記事では、「週休3日制の利点と問題点」について英語で意見を述べるときに使えるサンプルセンテンスをご紹介しています。「週休3日制」は英語では”four-day workweek”と記述します。Workweekには「平日・就労日」といった意味があり、「4日就労日」という意味合いになります。日本では欧米より遅れていますが、大企業では「選択制週休3日制」が導入されはじめています。当記事では日本に住む英語学習者が考えそうな内容を英語便メンバーより提示いただき、ネイティブ講師がサンプルセンテンスを書き下ろしています。

週休3日制の利点 – Pros of four-day workweek


1. Motivation

A four-day workweek can lead to happier and more committed and productive employees. Employees are less likely to be stressed or take sick leave as they have plenty of time to rest and recover. As a result, they return to work feeling ready to take on new challenges.

1. モチベーションの向上


2. Cost savings

A Henley Business School poll of business leaders asked whether the four-day workweek was cost-effective. More than half, 51%, reported cost savings. These include lower facilities and utilities costs. Almost two-thirds report improved productivity.

2. コスト削減


3. Less downtime

In the same poll business leaders reported that 62% fewer sick days were being used. When employees have that extra day off during traditional business hours, they’re better able to schedule personal necessities.

3. ダウンタイムの減少


4. Increased productivity

In 2019, Microsoft Japan found that moving to a four-day workweek increased productivity by 40%. They also saved more than 20% on electricity costs over the previous year. They also reduced the number of pages printed by almost 60%.

4. 生産性の向上


5. Attracting talent

According to ZipRecruiter, job postings listing a four-day workweek have tripled in the last five years. Post-pandemic hiring challenges could make that trend increase. As the competition for talent surges, top job seekers are looking for the best possible opportunity. A compressed or shortened workweek might fit the bill.

5. 有能な人材のリクルート


6. Retention

The key to retaining employees is avoiding burnout and focusing on wellness. A 2020 Gallup poll of over 10,000 workers found the lowest level of job burnout in employees who worked a four-day week.

6. 人材の確保


7. Environmental benefits

If you want to lower your company’s carbon footprint, keeping employees off the road and keeping the lights off 20% of the time can be a big help. In addition to reducing energy use for employees commuting to the workplace, keeping them off the road reduces emissions into the atmosphere.

7. 環境面でのメリット


週休3日制の問題点 – Cons of four-day workweek


1. Coverage

Many business leaders worry there won’t be adequate coverage for customers and coworkers. This can be a challenge to overcome. For some organizations, half of the four-day workforce takes off on Mondays, while the other half takes off on Friday – providing coverage for clients.

1. 顧客や社内対応力の低下


2. Scheduling

In addition to managing client/customer needs, internal scheduling may cause problems. Planned meetings can be scheduled within the workweek, but impromptu or emergency meetings may be challenging. Brainstorming sessions may see limited input, particularly if employees who are off are inaccessible. Even with today’s technology such as Zoom, an employee does not want their off day disturbed. How often these occur within an organization may dictate the feasibility of a four-day workweek.

2. スケジュール調整


3. Affects Productivity

While some organizations have seen productivity rise, your actual results may vary. It may depend on the commitment and maturity level of the team. Established workers, who know you can return to five-day weeks if it doesn’t work out, may push to maintain or increase productivity levels. Others may not see it that way. There also may not be a one-size-fits all solution.

3. 生産性への影響


4. Compression may cost money

Salaried workers on compressed time – four-days at 10 hours per day – should be expected to perform and produce at the same level as their traditional schedule. However, hourly workers who work this schedule may put your organization at risk of overtime pay if there’s a need for them to come in on their typical day off.

4. 圧縮勤務によるコスト増加の可能性


5. Added stress

Everyone loves a three-day weekend. This is typically how businesses structure a four-day week (Monday or Friday off). Holding on to that benefit may mean additional stress during “on”days to ensure you don’t lose your “off” day.

5. ストレスの増加

誰もが週末に3日間休みたいと思います。これが、ビジネスがどのように週4日勤務制を構成するかということです。(月曜日か金曜日が休み) その恩恵に預かるということは、「オフ」の日をなくさないために「オン」の日にさらなるストレスを抱えるということかもしれません。

6. More work for others

A four-day workweek can add tasks or assignments. Managers might spend more time scheduling meetings, client contacts, and group tasks when some staff members are not on the clock. They’ll need to keep a closer eye on: overtime, project management and performance to assure that the four-day workweek program is not costing more than it’s worth. Not all work environments lend themselves to a compressed workweek, especially one which has a variety of job categories which are dependent upon each other or interrelated.

6. 出勤時の仕事の増加

