テーマ1 – 海底と魚
From deep under the ocean we can see the sun shining into the depths, gradually darkening towards the reaching coral at the bottom of the picture. The coral is a variety of browns and neutral colors, which forms a contrast to the turquoise water and iridescent fish. A school of fish swim between the coral and out in the open water, their color depends on how the diffused sunlight catches them. It is a calm picture, and the water is still.
※ darken ~を暗くする・暗くなる / reaching 手を伸ばしている / neutral 無彩色の、中間色の / turquoise 明るい青緑色 / iridescent 虹色の、さまざまな色に変化する / a school of fish 魚の群れ / out in the open 外に出して、表に出して / diffuse 拡散する、散らす / still じっとした、動かない
テーマ2 – 波とサーファー
A light-skinned blonde woman braces herself as she moves over the powerful wave. She wears a plain swimsuit and she and her surfboard stand out against the frothy turquoise wave. It crashes behind her in a foamy torrent, but the woman remains ahead of the rising water. The forefront of the picture is soft and out of focus, which contracts with the sharp edges of the wave against the cloudy sky.
※ light-skinned 肌が白い、色白の / brace 身構える、準備をする / frothy 泡状の / foamy 泡の、泡立つ / torrent 激しい勢いの流れ、急流、激流
テーマ3 – 夕暮れのビーチ
A beach at sunset. The picture is split equally between the sky and the sea, and the water almost perfectly reflects the sunset in a burst of orange light. The clouds are the same blue-grey of the waves, and two small figures stand in contrast to the colors of the water and the sky. A tiny ship sits on the horizon, and dark cliffs jut out from the right-hand side of the picture. The orange of the sunset is so bright, and the whole scene is seeped in its color.
※ burst 吹き出す・ほとばしる / horizon 水平線 / jut out 突き出る / cliff 崖 / unnatural 不自然な、不思議な、異常な / seep 行き渡る、広がる