今回は、6月によく見る3つの花、ラベンダー、バラ、アジサイのある風景写真をを英語で描写してみます。前回の記事「 花のあるシーンを英語で描写してみる – 色表現のヒント」もぜひ参考にしてみてください。以下、3枚の写真について、英語描写、日本語訳、表現に使った単語解説の順に記載しています。ぜひライティングの参考にしてみてください。
ラベンダー – English lavender
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Look at this field full of lavender! The beautiful violet color seems to stretch for miles. Lavender has long green or silver-gray stalks topped with a bunches of small purple flowers. In this photo you can see them growing in small bunches, with their violet flowers reaching towards the sunlight. Lavender is a shrub so it grows in a bushy fashion, growing upwards and outwards. The flowers are extremely fragrant and are believed to help with relaxation and falling asleep. |
このラベンダーで一面の野原を見てください! 美しい紫色がとこまでも広がっています。ラベンダーは長くて緑色または銀色がかった灰色の茎を持ち、上の方にたくさんの小さな紫の花がついています。この写真では、小さな紫の花の束が太陽に向かって伸びているのが見えます。ラベンダーは低木で、茂みのように固まって育ち、上と外に向かって育っていきます。花は最高に香りがよくリラックスや睡眠によいといわれています。
※ stretch for miles 何マイルも先まで(どこまでも)続いている / |
バラ – Rose
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This rose in full bloom is a gorgeous shade of true red, without any pink or yellow undertones. The petals are all of equal sizes and none of them are torn, they look like they would be soft to the touch. They almost grow in a spiral shape from the inside of the flower out to the outside. The flower sits on top of a stem that looks quite delicate. This rose has dark green waxy leaves with softly jagged edges. You can see a couple of sharp thorns, though I’m sure there are some more hiding amongst the leaves. |
※ shade / あや、ニュアンス / undertone 潜在的な要素 / torn (tearの過去分詞形) 破る / spiral らせん状の / delicate 繊細な / waxy ろう質の / jagged ぎざぎざの |
紫陽花 – Hydrangea
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Hydrangea is a large bushy plant with delicate big heads of flowers that are equally as bushy. Everything on a hydrangea plant is on the large side, with the light green leaves being almost as big as the flowers. The flowers may bloom in a variety of colors. At the very front of the photo we can see some pinkish blooms, and then some blue-pink flowers immediately after. Most of these blooms have a bluey tint to them. After the blue-pink flowers there are some stunning, bright blue blooms. Their color is really pigmented so I think they stand out the most in this photo. At the back of the photo you can see some almost snow white blooms. The bright blue and pure white flowers make a stunning contrast, don’t they? |
※ bushy 茂みのような / on the large side 大き目の / bluey 青みがかった / tint 色合い / pigmented 色付けされている / snow white 雪白の、純白の |