Situation No.1 -質の高いデザイン作成してくれた社外デザイナーへのお礼
Hello Sarah,
I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for all of your hard work on the leaflets you produced for our candy department at ABC Company. We were really impressed with the quality of the design. Our soda department will be working on their branding soon and I have given your contact details to the manager with a very high recommendation. All the best, Jennifer be impressed with ~ ~に感銘しました / contact details 連絡先 / with a very high recommendation 強い推薦文とともに |
Situation No.2 -納期が短い翻訳の仕事を仕上げてくれた翻訳者へのお礼
Hello Tom,
I wanted to send you a quick message to say a big “thank you” for the work you did on translating our tourism literature. I appreciate that we had a really short turnaround and we genuinely appreciated your work ethic and responsiveness to our requests. Rest assured that the next time we need translation services we will definitely be coming to you. All the best, Jennifer say a big “thank you” for ~ ~に対して大変感謝する / a really short turnaround 本当に短い期間で / work ethic 労働倫理(仕事に対する考え方)/ rest assured (保証されているので)安心する |
NOTE * “I wanted to…” or “I just wanted to…” という表現を使うと、会社の定型挨拶ではなくあなたが個人的に感謝の気持ちを持っていることを強調できます。また、個人や外部の業者へ感謝の気持ちを伝えるときは、thank you だけではなく、仕事内容や、感動した点や、感謝している内容を具体的に記述するとより気持ちが伝わります。 |
Situation No.3 – 比較的大規模プロジェクトで、難しい局面が多く、残業などが多かったプロジェクトにおいて、仕事の無事終了を全員へ伝える。
Dear colleagues,
I would like to thank each and every one of you for your contribution to the launch of our new HR system. I know that there were a number of obstacles that we needed to overcome but I really believe that you all pulled together as a team. I recognise that the majority of you put in overtime or put aside other tasks to help us achieve our goals and we could not have achieved a successful launch of the new system without your help. Your hard work has definitely not gone unnoticed and I think the new system will make a big difference to all of our employees. Thank you again for all of your hard work, Jennifer HR system 人事システム / obstacles 障害物 / pull together 協力する・まとめる / put in overtime 残業して過ごす / put aside other tasks 他の仕事をあきらめる / could not have achieved a successful launch ~ without ~ ~なしでは成功してスタートすることはできませんでした。 |
NOTE * 最初の “Dear colleagues” 同僚のみなさまの部分は、”Dear team” チームメンバーのみなさま、または、”Dear All” (社内・社外の)みなさま などに置換できます。場面に応じて使い分けてください。 |
Situation No.4 – 比較的短い期間のイベントや展示会、セミナーなどに貢献してくれた人々へのお礼
Dear colleagues,
As you know, we held the ABC Convention in Boston last week and it was a great success. I would like to thank every single one of you for your contribution to making the seminars, group sessions, and presentations go smoothly. I’d like to give a special thanks to the marketing team who went above and beyond in securing our biggest ever sponsors. Now let’s set our sights on the ABC Convention next year. Best wishes, Jennifer I would like to thank every single one of you for ~ 1人1人にお礼を述べたい / I’d like to give a special thanks to ~ ~に対しては特にお礼申し上げたい / set one’s sights on~ ~へ照準を合わせる |
NOTE 誰かに対して特別なお礼をのべたいときは、special thanks to ~ の他、kudos to ~ 「~に対して賞賛を」a big shout out to ~ 「~さん(またはチーム)に多大なる感謝の意を送ります」といった表現もよく使われます。 * a big shout out toは、special thanks to に比べ少々カジュアルな表現になります。 |