

At the last moment/minute/second – 「最後の瞬間に」「ぎりぎりで」

 At the last moment/minute/secondは文字通り、「最後の瞬間に」という意味で、あらゆる場面でよく使われる最も汎用的な表現です。それぞれの意味やニュアンスの違いはありません。気に入ったものを使ってください。

He cut the wire right at the last moment and the bomb failed to detonate.

They knew there was going to be a terrorist attack on the Olympics and at the last minute the police found out where the terrorists were located and arrested them.

 応用としてat the last possible moment という表現も、覚えておくと便利です。Possibleを挿入することで、「ギリギリの土壇場で」「最後の一瞬で」という緊迫感が加わります。

They found the bomb with just seconds to go and deactivated it at the last possible moment.

At the death – (スポーツで)最後の最後に

 At the deathは、「死に際に」という意味ですが、スポーツの試合で最後のホイッスルが鳴る前の逆転シーンなどでよく使われる表現です。

The score was 0-0 and it looked like the final was going to penalties until, right at the death, the German goalkeeper made a big mistake and allowed the English striker to score the winner.

At the eleventh hour – (締切日・時間)ギリギリに

 The eleventh hour「時計の12時の1時間前の11時」という表現は、締切や終了直前に何かが行われたときに使われます。

※ 以下の例文では「ギリギリまで」という意味で前置詞atの替わりにuntilを使っています。

The team will fly out to the World Cup tournament next week but the manager has decided to wait until the eleventh hour to decide whether or not the injured striker will be fit enough to be on the plane with them.

 時間的に本当にギリギリであることを強調するときに使われる、at the eleventh hour and the 59th minuteという表現もあります。

Everyone was waiting for the meeting to start but one seat was empty until at the eleventh hour and the 59th minute, when Andrew ran in and sat down just a few seconds before the boss arrived.

In the nick of time – ぎりぎり間に合って、間一髪のところで

 In the nick of timeは「ぎりぎりのタイミングで良い方向へ向う」というときに使われる表現です。

She collapsed and her condition worsened in the ambulance but she arrived at the hospital just in the nick of time and they managed to stabilize her and save her life.

The few survivors of the 1902 Mount Hakkoda Disaster in Aomori were rescued in the nick of time but most of them still lost arms or legs due to the extreme cold.

Not a moment too soon – 手遅れになる前に

 Not a moment too soonは、「もう少し遅かったら大変なことになる」というときに使われる表現です。

The ambulance finally arrived for the victim, and not a moment too soon, as she was close to death.

My vaccination is finally happening next week and it’s not a moment too soon as there seems to be another wave of the virus taking place right now.

(With) no time to spare – 時間の余裕がないときに、時間が足りない状況で

 No time to spareは、 「何かが起きるまでにもう時間がない」状況で何かが起こったときに使われる表現です。

The man had suffered a heart attack and his neighbor spent 10 minutes doing chest compression by hand until, with no time to spare, the paramedics arrived and used the defibrillator to restart his heart.

Just minutes before the restaurant was due to open for its first night, the boss was shouting at the staff who were making final preparations and telling them all there was no time to spare and everything had to look perfect when the doors opened.

Just in time – ギリギリセーフで、ちょうど間に合って

 Just in timeは、「ギリギリセーフ」「ギリギリに間に合う」というときに使われる表現です。

The essay deadline was 5:30pm and somehow, I finished it and handed it to the professor just in time.

The striker was able to recover from his injury just in time to make the squad for the big game.
